Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

An Introduction


Within the pages of this, my Diary of Magecraft, I, Padraig of Abbeyleix, son of Saemus the Strong --- and best known to each and all as Blackwolf the Dragonmaster, Duke of Talisker ---- Philosopher of the Internet, Defender of Imagination, Lord High Wizard of the Hard Drive, Conqueror of Thaumaturgic Technology --- and, of course, Master Mage and Sorcerer-in-Residence unto the Mortalfolk of the City, County and State of New York ---- shall chronicle the worlds that take me within and beyond the wonders of my Dark Chambers website, at

There are many tales of my wonderful adventures and wishes to be shared hither, not the least of which is that which concerns my origins and purpose --- what the Mortals would otherwise call a "backstory." And boy, do I have one doozy of a backstory --- and eventually, I shall go into the immediate details of same when time allows me to do so. Know, then, that in the time of ancient Ireland, I was once a failed would-be Knight who, having been press-ganged into the service of the High King of Ireland --- the Ard Rhi --- and was an inch or two away from retiring as his longest-serving caretaker, was about to devote what little remained of my adult years to living out my days as a simple hermit.

But, through the machinations of an evil Bishop, who cursed me to walk in human form by day, and then in wolven form by night; and through the Forces of Good Magic, in the person of the covne of Mages known as the Grand High Istari, I was to become the force for goodness unexpected and yet somehow misunderstood by the Mortals of Manhattan. Only a chosen few --- notably, Thor the Barbarian; Muninn, his Queen; and my Brother Mages, Merdwin of the Shire of Schenectady; and Nollaig of Queens --- know the balance of my history. Now, for the ages yet untold, the pages of this Diary of Magecraft shall reintroduce others to that history.

And my Mistress, Her Majesty, Margaret, Queen of Scotland and the Isles, she who granted me the Dukedom of all Talisker: How can I inscribe hither without forgetting her? She knows more of my saga than even I. And I barely know where to begin.

Still, these tales and others shall be revealed eventually. Did not Bruce, Lord of the Geller'd Keep, once say of old: "In time is the key to any television situation. Nobody makes money right away."

The journey is only beginning, my friends. Where it leads me, I shall share with ye yet anon!

Until then, I humbly remain,

Fearlessly yours,

Master Blackwolf


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