Gandalf Guest Blogs Again!
Greetings, Lord of the Rings fans!
I come back to you now to guest-blog once again, here in Master Blackwolf's Diary of Magecraft. Well, as it is another random Wednesday, I thought I should let you know that our show at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto continues to beat the odds with each new dawn! Our tribute to The Hobbit at Rick Goldschmidt's continues to greet fans of the (other) film; and everybody else feels a little grumpy about Peter Jackson not yet fully committing himself to a live-action Hobbit movie.
Still, I would be remiss, dear friends, were I not to let you all know that Aragorn is doing a masterful job being King of Gondor. The Fourth Age will certainly be splendid because the Kingdom will be in perfectly safe hands. I only wish, of course, that I were there to be a part of it.
Well, I guess there isn't much else to tell you, folks --- other than to invite you all to watch TBS Superstation this weekend; we will be taking over primetime all weekend long, starting with a Friday night screening of The Fellowship of the Ring; and then, on Saturday and Sunday, Parts 1 and 2 of The Two Towers. Alas, with the news re the merger of UPN and the WB into the CW, I'm not exactly sure if The Return of the King is gonna make it to broadcast TV. Well, do let's get real here, folks: you can't expect even the mighty, mighty Mithrandir (that, as ever, would be me!) to know EVERYTHING!
But, as they say, que sera sera! Until next time, kiddies!
Gandalf the White
I come back to you now to guest-blog once again, here in Master Blackwolf's Diary of Magecraft. Well, as it is another random Wednesday, I thought I should let you know that our show at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto continues to beat the odds with each new dawn! Our tribute to The Hobbit at Rick Goldschmidt's continues to greet fans of the (other) film; and everybody else feels a little grumpy about Peter Jackson not yet fully committing himself to a live-action Hobbit movie.
Still, I would be remiss, dear friends, were I not to let you all know that Aragorn is doing a masterful job being King of Gondor. The Fourth Age will certainly be splendid because the Kingdom will be in perfectly safe hands. I only wish, of course, that I were there to be a part of it.
Well, I guess there isn't much else to tell you, folks --- other than to invite you all to watch TBS Superstation this weekend; we will be taking over primetime all weekend long, starting with a Friday night screening of The Fellowship of the Ring; and then, on Saturday and Sunday, Parts 1 and 2 of The Two Towers. Alas, with the news re the merger of UPN and the WB into the CW, I'm not exactly sure if The Return of the King is gonna make it to broadcast TV. Well, do let's get real here, folks: you can't expect even the mighty, mighty Mithrandir (that, as ever, would be me!) to know EVERYTHING!
But, as they say, que sera sera! Until next time, kiddies!
Gandalf the White
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