Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Now, a word from Blackbeard the Pirate!

Ahoy, ya bilge rats!

Blackbeard here, with a few good remarks about the 2009 Maine Lobster Festival! Now, I s'pose ye be wonderin' why I be hangin' out wi' th' likes o' His Oceanic Majesty, Neptunus Rex, King o' the Oceans, eh what? Well, here we be as photographed by Tony Ronzio from, as we take over the Coast Guard Schooner USS Wasp, back in 2006! (Aargh!)

Now that the 62nd Lobster Festival be a memory, Callie MacQueston became the 2009 Maine Sea Goddess, and therefore, she b'came th' newest member of our Royal Court, that she did! As fer me mates Mike Miller (Neptune) an' Brian Messing (yers truly), they be of special himportance, as they be now part o' the Festival's Board of Directors .... which be even cooler, sez I!

Still, as ye landlubbers know, they're keelhaulin' GeoCities as of October 26th, 2009 --- which does make this wicked ol' Pirate a little bit sad, y'know. (Aye, even Blackbeard the Pirate has ta be havin' time t' shed a tear or two! Never let it be said that the Most Dangerous Pirate on Earth ain't 'thout his share o' feelin's, mateys! [Sniffle!])

Luckily, if'n ye ain't noticed, ol' Blackwolf has had th' good sense to get a few of his favorite photographs out of our old Castle afore the aforemention'd October 26th deadline; so ye'd best keep a weather eye out on th' next episode of that thar Gallery!

Well, enufa my scurvy mouth fer now, shipmates! Pleasant Pirate dreams, mateys! (Aargh!)


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