Today's Guest Blogger: King Robert Baratheon of Westeros!

Greetings from Westeros, future loyal subjects! King Robert Baratheon, Sovereign Lord of all Westeros here! Know ye, gentle lords and gentle ladies, that I am now the new sexiest guy on HBO --- meaning that you WILL watch my show, Game of Thrones, EVERY Sunday night! If you don't, I'll find you, personally toss you into my dungeons, and have you chained to your remote control (evil chortle)!
And if there any Mark Addy fans out there, you may now swoon like silly over that cool photo of him portraying me!
I just love making these delightfully glorious proclamations --- look at it this way, kids: it's a great alternative to challenging me to a swordfight (which, of course, I'm going to win)!
Spend your Easter Sunday evening with me this week, won't you? I'll bring the feast; you bring the whatever. Just prepare for lots of grumpy people, evil sneering, headbashing and all the good stuff you fanboys out there can't get enough of! Cheers!
May your days be days worth seizing!
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