Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Thoughts

Greetings, Mortals, and welcome to this, my first Diary of Magecraft entry for 2006, Mortal-reckoning!

It seems to me, dear friends, that most 14-year-olds are more "with it" than they let on. As two recent e-mails addressed to me Wizardly person will attest, there are people who want to follow in this foolish old beetlehead's footsteps --- some of them more than others! Young Ethan and Seth are both 14. Ethan lives in Arkansas, and desires to journey here to ye Byg Appyl, to learn what it takes to become a Dragonmaster. Well, here's the trick: the secret is being where all the action is, promoting yourself till you're blue in the face, and pretty much learning how to stay cool without being remarkably terrible about it.

I haven't blogged of late because my good friend, Uncle Fergus, everyone's favorite bagpipe-playing Scottish poltergeist, and guardian spirit of Scottish Highland Games fans everywhere, needs to re-tweak his links so he can properly prepare for St. Patrick's Day in March, and Tartanweek in April. When you have a site where there are links to all sorts of Scottish/Gaelic/Celtic adventures, you have to be especially prepared; more to the point, every link must work, and each news item you find has to be accurate and up to date!

And just yesterday, we e-mailed the Pipe Major of the Bermuda Islands Pipe Band, whose members marched with us on Tartan Saturday Afternoon in 2004, to inquire as to whether they'd cleared their schedule to join us again in 2006. For those of you who don't know, the Bermuda Islanders are Bermuda's only Pipe Band. (And yes, they DO wear Bermuda shorts whenever they perform --- but only if they feel like it, and only whenever it's just too darn hot to wear a kilt!) No response to our missive thus far, but I hope they'll get back to us ASAP. Meanwhile, I know that Ox Gara's lads, the Manchester, Connecticut Regional Police and Fire Pipe & Drum Band, will be in on all the frolic and diversion! Oooh, how I wish I could be in on it!

Nonetheless, the Easter Parade shall be my time to officially publicly shine for the first time; so if I haven't said so to any of my fans, 14 years old or older, I look forward to greeting ye on ye Avenue --- Fifth Avenue, on Easter Sunday, April 16th! Be well until then!

As ever,

Master Blackwolf


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