Not exactly a day to make a comment about anything too remarkably relevant......
Y'know, kids, there are days when there's just not much for even Blackwolf the Dragonmaster to talk about, not even in this, my fabulous Diary of Magecraft. I can, for example, reveal that King Tiberias of Jerusalem has somehow spirited himself into the realms of Larkspur, home of the Colorado Renaissance Festival; I believe His Majesty explained that he had gone there to, and I quote, "learn how to help our many soldiers to better merge back into civilization." So, inasmuch as I am a bit trapped by the forces of Boredom, I thought that you goodly gentles were deserving of a Royal Treat. Here it is:

King Francois and Queen Anne, Monarchs of the Four Winds Renaissance Faire, looking both elegant and chilly as they brave the harsh late winter cold (be aware that this was photographed last March 1st during the said Four Winds Faire)! Excellent, eh what?
Well, nothing else new to post, kiddos. Only one thing left to say, then:
P.S.: Zzzzzzzzz...........

King Francois and Queen Anne, Monarchs of the Four Winds Renaissance Faire, looking both elegant and chilly as they brave the harsh late winter cold (be aware that this was photographed last March 1st during the said Four Winds Faire)! Excellent, eh what?
Well, nothing else new to post, kiddos. Only one thing left to say, then:
P.S.: Zzzzzzzzz...........
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