The Royal Wedding: Blackwolf Comments

Y'know, Mortals, given that we're 10 or so days away from the Wedding of the 21st Century, it was inevitable that your humble Dragonmaster would need to put his own two cents in; herewith, my reflections:
What separates the House of Windsor from its original German-founded predecessors, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, is one simple truth: Edward VII and Alexandra geniunely loved each other, even if he often spent his nights with his own share of girlfriends.
Not only that, there was a reason Edward VII enjoyed being King of Great Britain: he believed in a 20th Century where the Crowned Heads of all Europe could unite their forces peacefully, and provide astounding benefits for all their subjects. Alas! World War I made bloomin' sure that that never happened. Yet the legacy of Edward VII endures; and that is why Master Richard, my Mortal-born alter ego, considers him worth looking up to: because he represented the elegance, decorum and dignity that the House of Windsor could never hope to replicate, even if Queen Elizabeth II still looks great, even as she dares to surpass Queen Victoria as Britain's longest-reigning Sovereign!
I seem to remember, in fact, that during the 70's, we used to get off on the 13-week Edward the King television series starring Timothy West and Annette Crosbie. Now it's available on DVD from Acorn Media (they're saying it'll be out in a 4-DVD set on September 30th, 2011 [or did it come out last year?]). Anyway, the fools at NBC, or so Page Six tells me, are considering wussing out on full coverage of the Royal Wedding because they may be thinking that Prince William and Kate Middleton are "too boring." For the NBC sillies, say the insiders, 'too boring' would not equal big ratings. Look, you Peacock network pissants: you're gonna be dealing with the BBC's coverage, a billion people all over the world expected to tune in and stuff --- needless to say, one simply does NOT dare wuss out on a wedding of this magnitude! Methinks ol' Edward VII would be most displeased (Victoria, of course, would not be amused).
As you can see in the above photo, Edward and Alix are quite prepared to begin their reign. This is Coronation Day, August 9th, 1902, some 112 years ago. I only hope that their spirits will approve of their young descendants as they begin what I personally hope will indeed be a glorious future! Huzzah! and hurrah!
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