Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Random Scribblings: Bored Blackwolf

Well, despite having me Wizardly self immortalized in the pages of Time Out New York Magazine, and having spent the entire past weekend in the vicinty of Fort Tryon Park, I am now once again bored. Clearly, it'll be some time before I hear from His Majesty, King Henry the Red of Shiabruck again (until our long hoped for rendezvous at the Medieval Festival @ Fort Tryon Park in October, of course); then again, I have long sucked, and continue to suck, when it comes to patience. No Jedi am I, but at least they had the market cornered on patience!

Meanwhile, in the quote-unquote real world, the bad guys are angry again! Something about a discussion from the Pope. Why in Merlin's name is your Dragonmaster so not surprised? It becomes more and more apparent as I watch and listen to the news that ours is a world where anything, even from the very mists of Time itself, can piss off anybody with access to the web and a fax machine. I shudder even now in terms of whether or not I myself am making the right moves! There used to be a time when I had a lot of confidence in practically everything I said; now, all of a sudden, I'm having to watch my words. No wonder in the 70s, the rock band Cheap Trick wrote a single called "The Dream Police":

The Dream Police, they live inside of my head.
The Dream Police, they come to me in my bed.
The Dream Police, they're coming to arrest me.
Oh nooooooooo!

Clearly, the prophecy behind that chorus was basically, be careful what you say, lest ye rot in prison for it. And far too many Mortals have done that over the centuries --- more times than many, often paying for it with their very lives! This, my dears, is what happens when boredom rears its ugly head: one must battle to survive, do the right/wrong thing and attempt to be a maniac all at the same time. It's a hard existence, but even Master Blackwolf must take it on. Wish me luck!

(And do stop with the damn typographic errors, Blackwolf, ol' boy. Your spelling is as bad as your commentary!)

Master Blackwolf


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