Huzzah! 'Tis the Royal Court of Jerusalem!

Huzzah! and hurrah! Here are Their Majesties, King Tiberias and Queen Sybella of Jerusalem! Along with your humble Dragonmaster, and our banner-bearer, Sir David of Poole, we are the Royal Court of Jerusalem! And on Sunday afternoon, October 2nd, at our 27th Annual Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park, my Dragon pal Sir Aragorn will help me turn this jolly foursome into a Royal Quintet! Sir James of Robertson, Official Flemish Painter for the Kingdom of Acre, is the fellow responsible for this delicious portrait of the four of us; I hope that Their Majesties of Acre, King Roderic III and Queen Mariana, enjoy a splendiferous year-long reign; and I hope, too, that their Royal Progress proves to be a merry, fruitful one! Huzzah!
Master Blackwolf
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