Routine Random Comments from Everyone's Favorite Old Beetlehead
Well, goodly gentles, I finally get to scribble a few good words hither! I of course have not been able to do so --- but seeing as I shall have nothing immediate on my Wizardly to-do list for the September apart from yet another Big Apple Comicon shinding over at the Penn Plaza Pavilion alongside my beloved Barbarians, I figured there must something in the ol' Diary of Magecraft to share with my fans from all across the cosmos.
Where to start? Ah! I know --- His Turquiose Majesty, the Blue King! His creator/alter ego, Arthur W. Hoffmann, Ed.D., is just as devoted to the virtues of Friendship, Understanding and Niceness as I myself happen to be! As my seven Wizardly superiors, the Grand High Istari are, like myself, charter members in good standing of the Masters of Good Magic, 'tis obivous that they too would welcome someone equally possessed with the qualities inherent in us Good Guys. I sent out a press release just last week to let the Planet in general know about the Blue King's book; and in fact, I have since joined the ranks of His Turquiose Majesty's Official F.U.N. Ambassadors. I am hopeful that there will be further adventures of the Blue King in the months ahead.
Then, of course, there is the little matter of my traditional sojourn to Sterling Forest; being in the presence of Her Majesty, Elizbeth I, Queen of all England, is ever a blast --- and though I didn't get to kiss Her Majesty's hand this year, it was quite a silly odyssey following her --- or, as I observed at one point, vice versa. And, of course, the usual Robin Hood vs. Sheriff of Nottingham storyline was a staple of the Queen's Progress, but I bore it well like the darn fine Wizard I am, by Merlin's beard!
One last bit of business, though: The ol' fresh hound wants to have me in on his next live concert, this one slated for the Town Hall, near Times Square, on November 3rd. I wish Triumph would update the news portion of his page, as I have not yet seen news of our gig posted on the Town Hall's page. All of which is a bit ironic, as it was the Town Hall where we were originally going to record the balance of what ultimately became Come Poop w/Me. Alas, the twits then in charge at the Town Hall didn't want to play ball with our Mr. Smigel, so we were forced to regroup at the Bowery Ballroom in the Village --- and the rest, as they say, is recording and comedy history.
Well, enough random thoughts for now. I'll scribble something in here again soon!
Till then, I remain, as ever,
Your most humble servant,
Fearlessly yours,
Master Blackwolf
Where to start? Ah! I know --- His Turquiose Majesty, the Blue King! His creator/alter ego, Arthur W. Hoffmann, Ed.D., is just as devoted to the virtues of Friendship, Understanding and Niceness as I myself happen to be! As my seven Wizardly superiors, the Grand High Istari are, like myself, charter members in good standing of the Masters of Good Magic, 'tis obivous that they too would welcome someone equally possessed with the qualities inherent in us Good Guys. I sent out a press release just last week to let the Planet in general know about the Blue King's book; and in fact, I have since joined the ranks of His Turquiose Majesty's Official F.U.N. Ambassadors. I am hopeful that there will be further adventures of the Blue King in the months ahead.
Then, of course, there is the little matter of my traditional sojourn to Sterling Forest; being in the presence of Her Majesty, Elizbeth I, Queen of all England, is ever a blast --- and though I didn't get to kiss Her Majesty's hand this year, it was quite a silly odyssey following her --- or, as I observed at one point, vice versa. And, of course, the usual Robin Hood vs. Sheriff of Nottingham storyline was a staple of the Queen's Progress, but I bore it well like the darn fine Wizard I am, by Merlin's beard!
One last bit of business, though: The ol' fresh hound wants to have me in on his next live concert, this one slated for the Town Hall, near Times Square, on November 3rd. I wish Triumph would update the news portion of his page, as I have not yet seen news of our gig posted on the Town Hall's page. All of which is a bit ironic, as it was the Town Hall where we were originally going to record the balance of what ultimately became Come Poop w/Me. Alas, the twits then in charge at the Town Hall didn't want to play ball with our Mr. Smigel, so we were forced to regroup at the Bowery Ballroom in the Village --- and the rest, as they say, is recording and comedy history.
Well, enough random thoughts for now. I'll scribble something in here again soon!
Till then, I remain, as ever,
Your most humble servant,
Fearlessly yours,
Master Blackwolf