Thanksgiving with the Dragonmaster
Well, Mortals, 'tis Thanksgiving --- and, as ever, the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade is the only thing worth kvetching about for this old Wizard. Before I do, though, I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all whom I have encountered, be they expected or no, during 2007. I can't list or name you all individually, alas, but know, please, that I will be grateful to you all for having treated me as a true and noble friend; I must say that I am more than happy to have done the same to you in return.
As I'm working with a rather limited standard MetroCard, fellow New Yorkers, know that I'll now need to travel sparingly. Nevertheless, as noted, I wish you all well. I hope you'll be here at the ol' Diary of Magecraft within a few weeks time, as I am looking forward to yet another conversation with Santa Claus! I know he'll want to know how you all have been behaving this year! I trust that you've all been good.
Well, time soon for me to bug the folks at Brad Lachman Productions; I have, after all, been on their case all this week. Whew!
Until next time, then, goodly gentles!
Fearlessly yours, as always,
Master Blackwolf