Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Random bits of Blackwolfian post-Tartan Week Comments

Good morning, Mortals! And thank goodness it's another blarsted storm this day, as I have very likely bit the bullet, and done the usual bit of being incredibly silly as to the way I scribble my remarks. I shall, however, make a valiant attempt to coherently post something hither in ye olde Diary of Magecraft!

Boy, what a 10th Anniversary Tartan Saturday Afternoon Parade we had, didn't we? Probably there wasn't any other faster Parade around (unless, of course, you count the following day's Greek Independence Day Parade, where His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios schmoozed around with the usual assortment of local-area politicians; but I shall save ye that tale for later). Anyway, in all, we had 1941 marchers, including individual Pipers and Pipe Bands --- not exactly the 2000 the organizers were hoping for, but close enough. Saying hello to Sir Alasdair Hutton, O.B.E., familiar longtime narrator of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, was no doubt the highlight of the day; as was spending our usual "Bagpipers' Block Party" with my good friends, Pipe Major Andrew McDicken and the Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley and Lattingtown, along with Commander Bob Small and the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment.

But alas, another Monday, loometh, dearies. But at least, it's a Monday where I can share with you perhaps the coolest photo thus far in the Royal Archives of the SCA's Kingdom of Calontir: Their Falcon Majesties, King Anton and Queen Isabeau had a nice Royal Portrait taken of them, moments after they took the Falcon Thrones, March 22nd, 2008, Mortal-reckoning, compliments of Milady Mistress Rhianydd Arbeth!

I trust that Anton and Isabeau had a neat weekend; Their Falcon Majesties' next adventures will see them in attendance at the 3-day Festa Santo Damain, at the St. Robert Community Center in Rolla, Missouri. The Saturday portion will have the majority of the activities, I believe. Still, methinks there's going to be quite the party atmosphere, along with the traditional Raising of the Spears, and all that other nice and Goode Royal Stuff.

Well, enough nonsense for the present. Hopefully, the temperatures here in ye Shire of the Hatted Man shall be nicer 'pon ye coming Wednesday; meaning that at last I shall be free of these infernal long johns I've been wearing for the last 6 or so months! By Merlin's beard, I can't wait to just get back into me shorts and hoist me Wizardly butt back onto Bethesda Fountain where I belong!

Master Blackwolf