Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

9/11, 2010 --- The Weekend: Reflections from Blackwolf

There is a very extreme difficulty for your Dragonmaster, as we approach Saturday, September 11th, 2010. With the coming of the sunset, at precisely 7:13 p.m., the Men of the Pipes and Drums of the New York City Fire Department Emerald Society will play a few blocks from Ground Zero, ending their procession at the Firehouse of Engine Company No. 10 and Ladder Company No. 10, where a Memorial Plaque has been affixed to the facility's wall, honoring the 343 New York City Firefighters who sacrificed their lives that dark, horrible day nine years anon.

September 11th, 2010 will not be without its controversies, alas. It has been brought to your Dragonmaster's attention that a radical evangelist in Gainesville, Florida, one Terry Jones by name, senior minister of the Dove World Outreach Center, intends to stage what he calls "International 'Burn the Qu'ran Day"; luckily --- and, I might add, wisely, General David Patraeus has warned him not to make the attempt, stating in an e-mail to the Associated Press that imagery from such an event could be used by radical extremists in Afghanistan --- and, for that matter, the world --- to incite incidents of extreme violence. The potential result, doubtless, would be another cry for jihad, or holy war, against the U.S. and Israel and their allies.

Well, methinks you know what would happen ultimately: the Third World War, by Merlin's beard! Have you Mortals learned nothing from 9/11/2001? Or will there just be so much chaos that the human race will be forced to struggle to simply fight to survive?

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer --- the MGM of Dore Schary and his ilk --- once made a very sensible motion picture, probably one of the wisest ever to emerge from Culver City, California: The Next Voice You Hear, starring James Whitmore and Nancy Davis, now Nancy Reagan. Based upon the short story by George Sumner Albee, the film tells the story of "Joe Smith, American," and his family, as they react to the unprecedented radio debut of God Himself. You would be wise, my children, to locate this movie and look at it --- and then, remember what happened nine years ago this coming Saturday. It is a solemn celebration, one not to be taken lightly by any means. One thing's for certain: you'll certainly see this foolish old beetlehead of a Mage standing in front of the nearest flagpole in the vicinity of Central Park, hand over me heart, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with all the energy a Dragonmaster can muster:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Long before WWOR-TV/HD ever became "the other Fox New York Station," it was WOR-TV --- and they always began their broadcast day, not just with the Pledge of Allegiance, but also with a rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner in a short Mormon-produced film with a soundtrack from (naturally) the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, concluding with a brief morning sermonette before diving into the early morning newsbrief. YouTube has, I believe, several postings of this; I recommend, as well as

Master Blackwolf