Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Today's Guest Blogger: His Majesty, King Henry VIII!

Many grammarcies, Master Blackwolf, for allowing me the chance to guest-blog hither in thy Diary of Magecraft! I know in the more than 500 chapters thou hast posted within these parchments, thou hast enchanted, amused and otherwise driven nuts the populace of thine adopted metropolis of Manhattan, and assorted mere Mortals across the cosmos!

As for ye, young Tudor fans in the making, know that 'tis I, Henry, Eighth King of all England to bear that glorious name. And thou wilst note that it be ye Byg Kaehunae --- the fat version, if thou wouldst --- what addresseth ye hither, not that damn wannabe from that damn Showtime show, the DVD of which is probably lurking somewhere within their twisted mind! No, the fans want ol' Tudor Thunderbutt, as Master Blackwolf often refers to Our Royal Personage; and 'tis Tudor Thunderbutt they shall have!

Nay, Lords and Ladies, little has transpir'd since I last did anything in public in thy Century of late; alas, boredom afflicteth me as well. So, in a rare fit of insanity, New York's Unofficial Wizard called 'pon me to share with ye a few thoughts on how we Tudors beat up boredom.

Well, we goad Wizards like the Dragonmaster into remembering what to do when the latest issue of Renaissance Magazine is published --- I order the Mage of Talisker to upgrade his Faire Links, for there be new Faires popping up in America at any given moment, and I would rather that the foolish old twit of a Mage stay atop his game! I hear he has at last begun his Quest to bring his life story to ye byg scraen, has Blackwolf, but I shall reserve proper judgment 'pon it until I have seen it with mine own eyes!

Well, goodly gentles, that, I think, will do for now. I must go to my private chambers now, as Will Somers needeth me to jam with him; we do indeed, methinks, make for a way cool harp-and-lute duo! Toodles, Mortals!

Henry VIII, King of all England, Lord and Master of the Tudors and all else that matters