Diary of Magecraft, Post #465: So long, you insane decade!
With this, my 465th missive in this Diary of Magecraft, I come to terms now with the end of a maniacal year, and certainly an even more maniacal decade! 'Tis 5 inna morning as I type this; I imagine I'm gonna have a lot to scribble! But Master Richard, my Mortal-born alter ego, has been through much this year, Yahoo!, Inc. deciding to shut down GeoCities and leave the lad scrambling; Disney buys Marvel Comics; AOL practically on its last legs and so forth. And what hath thy Dragonmaster to show for it?
Oh, who bloomin' knows? I have nothing important to link to at the moment, but I'll think of something....
Master Blackwolf
Oh, who bloomin' knows? I have nothing important to link to at the moment, but I'll think of something....
Master Blackwolf