Today's Guest Blogger: Father Time!
Howdy-do, Mortals!
Father Time here, talking to you from my fabulous Tick-Tock Throne Room ---- the very same setpiece you saw in Rankin/Bass' Rudolph's Shiny New Year. Well, in a few moments, old 2007 will join his brother Years in the fast-growing Archipelago of Last Years --- but before he does, I'd like to say a few words about how delightful a job it is, looking after the forces of Time, and making certain that everything is strictly kept in tip-top, tick-tock condition. I love this job so much, my new friends Ric and Victoria Ervin, from Orange County, California actually impersonate me and the "Lady New Year." Of course, I've never actually had the time to take a bride, though I have over the aeons considered it!
Anyway, it's only one more day now, then everybody all around the world --- all 24 time zones (why did those Fox sillies decide to devote a whole series to all 24 time zones, I wonder?) --- get to kick off 2008 in full splendor. For those of you who remember the song I sing in Rudolph's Shiny New Year, you can check it out on YouTube! Let it serve to remind you Mortals that there's still a little magic left in an Old Year --- and even more when you reach the New Year!
Well, as they say, Time (that, of course, would be me) is of the essence. Heh-heh! Lotsa stuff to get ready for, not the least of which includes dear old Dick Clark! He and Ryan Seacrest will, of course, be in the thick of all the action (which, as usual, makes my old friend Master Blackwolf quite grumpy!); and there'll be remotes from Disneyland, Vegas, Sydney in Australia, London, Paris, Hollywood, Chicago --- oh, boy, it'll be quite the blast, won't it? So I've got to get going! And one other thing: Congratulations, Prince Valiant, on next Sunday's 3700th Episode! Huzzah!
Always tickin',
Yours truly,
Father Time
Father Time here, talking to you from my fabulous Tick-Tock Throne Room ---- the very same setpiece you saw in Rankin/Bass' Rudolph's Shiny New Year. Well, in a few moments, old 2007 will join his brother Years in the fast-growing Archipelago of Last Years --- but before he does, I'd like to say a few words about how delightful a job it is, looking after the forces of Time, and making certain that everything is strictly kept in tip-top, tick-tock condition. I love this job so much, my new friends Ric and Victoria Ervin, from Orange County, California actually impersonate me and the "Lady New Year." Of course, I've never actually had the time to take a bride, though I have over the aeons considered it!
Anyway, it's only one more day now, then everybody all around the world --- all 24 time zones (why did those Fox sillies decide to devote a whole series to all 24 time zones, I wonder?) --- get to kick off 2008 in full splendor. For those of you who remember the song I sing in Rudolph's Shiny New Year, you can check it out on YouTube! Let it serve to remind you Mortals that there's still a little magic left in an Old Year --- and even more when you reach the New Year!
Well, as they say, Time (that, of course, would be me) is of the essence. Heh-heh! Lotsa stuff to get ready for, not the least of which includes dear old Dick Clark! He and Ryan Seacrest will, of course, be in the thick of all the action (which, as usual, makes my old friend Master Blackwolf quite grumpy!); and there'll be remotes from Disneyland, Vegas, Sydney in Australia, London, Paris, Hollywood, Chicago --- oh, boy, it'll be quite the blast, won't it? So I've got to get going! And one other thing: Congratulations, Prince Valiant, on next Sunday's 3700th Episode! Huzzah!
Always tickin',
Yours truly,
Father Time