The Devil on: Heatwaves and the Evil Entities Who Love Them
Greetings, Mortals, and the rest of you who think I'm already full of hot air as it is!
Lucifer, Prince of Darkness here, alias the Devil, to say a few words about something I haven't been able to talk about in centuries: 90-degree temperatures! Yessss!
One of the things I enjoy when I'm sitting on my mighty, custom-upholstered Throne O' Doom is reveling in heatwaves; and given my attitude right now, New York City is in need of a scorching summer sweatfest! Were I to rule the world --- which is my usual excuse to --- ick! --- guest-blog in Dum-dum's Diary of Magecraft --- my first official act would be to fire up every furnace in Manhattan! New Yorkers, as a rule, are obsessed with suntans, scars and sexy, bikini-clad beauties; why this does not surprise even the Devil may be of some controversy. Really? When a guy like the Naked Cowboy decides he wants to be the next Mayor of New York City, ya gotta wonder: Did the red, pointy-tailed guy get a little stupid?
Now there's a rawther boring question. As I happen to be the one with the trusty trident, I really don't think you want me to answer that --- dare I say it --- burning question! Ha ha ha ha!
Yes, it's a rare occasion when the Devil can dare to make a funny. I'm pleased you enjoyed it, my future minions.
Well, so much for my rather idiotic remarks. I think I've gloated at you Mortals long enough for today. Now shake and tremble in the usual manner as I laugh my nasty laugh!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
Oh, did that feel so nassssty! Farewell for now, Nasty People Lovers!
Yours etc.,
Nasty Boy
Lucifer, Prince of Darkness here, alias the Devil, to say a few words about something I haven't been able to talk about in centuries: 90-degree temperatures! Yessss!
One of the things I enjoy when I'm sitting on my mighty, custom-upholstered Throne O' Doom is reveling in heatwaves; and given my attitude right now, New York City is in need of a scorching summer sweatfest! Were I to rule the world --- which is my usual excuse to --- ick! --- guest-blog in Dum-dum's Diary of Magecraft --- my first official act would be to fire up every furnace in Manhattan! New Yorkers, as a rule, are obsessed with suntans, scars and sexy, bikini-clad beauties; why this does not surprise even the Devil may be of some controversy. Really? When a guy like the Naked Cowboy decides he wants to be the next Mayor of New York City, ya gotta wonder: Did the red, pointy-tailed guy get a little stupid?
Now there's a rawther boring question. As I happen to be the one with the trusty trident, I really don't think you want me to answer that --- dare I say it --- burning question! Ha ha ha ha!
Yes, it's a rare occasion when the Devil can dare to make a funny. I'm pleased you enjoyed it, my future minions.
Well, so much for my rather idiotic remarks. I think I've gloated at you Mortals long enough for today. Now shake and tremble in the usual manner as I laugh my nasty laugh!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
Oh, did that feel so nassssty! Farewell for now, Nasty People Lovers!
Yours etc.,
Nasty Boy