Blackwolf the Dragonmaster's Diary of Magecraft

Being a Chronicle of the Inner Secrets of, and Spells of Magick as Wielded by, the Philosopher of the Internet and Unofficial Sorcerer-in-Residence of the City of New York

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Location: New York, New York, United States

As New York's Unofficial Wizard, my mission is to encourage the Mortals of Manhattan to imagine responsibly!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Some Final Thoughts on the Giants' Super Bowl Triumph

As I monitor the situation around me, goodly gentles, I ponder, too, what it is that brought our City together some 72 hours ago. Perhaps it is simply this: Miracles have a tendency to span the cosmos. Historically, they've been to occur when ye least expect them. Have you Mortals not even recalled Lake Placid 1980? How many times have ye not listened as Al Michaels found it difficult to believe in what he was witnessing? Do you believe in Miracles? YES! Have ye even now forgotten what Miracles even mean?

The human race is littered with thousands of tales of Miracles and the beings and spirits who caused them. I shudder, frankly, to think just how many times the world has long prayed for and expected a Miracle. But on Sunday, February 3rd, 2008, it took one football team --- the New York Football Giants --- to teach us what Miracles mean. They taught us how to remember to dream. They taught us how to believe in something greater than themselves. They showed us again how to believe, by Merlin's beard. And let me tell you, though I was ultimately drained in the end by the experience, I want you to know that it was an adventure I shall recall for a very long time.

Well, enough nonsense now. I have some Monstericans to worry about now. Lordi, they call themselves --- and last time I checked, there was supposed to be a horror movie coming out starring them. Dark Floors, it was called. Well, shall we join the ickiness, then?

Master Blackwolf